This is Morgan Heaton, my cousin on my Mother's side. Bareback rider. He is crasey.
This was my cup of strawberries. Yum. Yum Yum Yum.
Brooke, Morgan and I after the rodeo of strawberries.
Brooke and I
Travis Hansen and Emily.
This was my cup of strawberries. Yum. Yum Yum Yum.
Brooke, Morgan and I after the rodeo of strawberries.
Brooke and I
Travis Hansen and Emily.
Strawberry Days. We went to a rodeo. We saw Travis Hansen our cousin there!! What?? Morgan Heaton, Cousin on the other side was in the rodeo. It sure was fun :) I almost got a mullet afterwards. Seriously.
Fun, fun, fun! thos strawberries look yummy! I haven't seen Morgan ride for a few months now. How did he do? since I joined this family I have seen a bit too much rodeo for my tastes. I like to watch Morgan now, but I get board with a lot of the rest of it.
Oh yeah, I would love to have copies of those pictures you took at the reunion. My email is and I added gchat if you want to add me.
alright, so you're gonna love this. with a little internet sleuthing, i figured out that you were the cha-cha guide that answered the question i asked today:
What is the world record for the longest turd?
haha, that (and this) had to have made your day. am i right??? reply on here or email:
or facebook:
talk to you soon! haha
thanks for disclosing that I am guide. Thanks for disclosing that I had to answer that disgusting question. :) HA but it was one that I tell my friends about.
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