Monday, October 22, 2012


There are a few things that are over.
One, Brad's anatomy class.
Thank you.
Now he came home today at noon. Awesome.
My baby's first month is over.
That means my postpardum is almost over. 6 weeks almost.
I went to the doc today because my hands swell excessively (more than when I was pregnant) and I'm starting to have a lot of pain in my hands. So its determined I have carpal tunnel. Which is normal and caused from swelling and hopefully will go away with time.

I love my doctor. Gosh. He is just a gem.
Here is a pic I just snapped of my baby just seconds ago.
I'm scared he is growing up too fast.
Brad thinks this sleeper is girly.
Well...he didn't say that he said, "Were you trying to make him gay?"
Which is totally inappropriate, but...whatever. I'm inappropriate sometimes. 
Brad also saw a random guy walking in the parking lot today. He had his t-shirt tucked into his shorts.
Brad said, "Is it tuck your shirt in day?" 
Brad then said, "Cuz you're nailin it."
Like the guy heard him.
But I laughed so hard.

Back to my baby.
These are pictures I took when he was 1 month old.
You see I went to visit my sis in arizona, that's another blog post.
So everybody does stats....every month right? That's the mom protocol? 

Well good thing I freaked out the night before he was one month old, because he had a high temp and was acting funny for 12+ hours.

And I took him to insta-care. 

He weighed 10.2 pounds, and was still at 21 1/2 inches. (And he was perfectly fine, just had some unknown problem, but no fever)

He was 7.15 pounds and 21 inches at birth.

He is mostly bald.  With some hair on the back and sides.

He still has trouble pooping....(is that stat worthy?)
He smiles at us, not just gas smiles, and it seriously is the cutest ever.

Everyone says he looks just like Brad but has my eyes.....

But I swear they are Brad's shape of eyes....
We lay Miles on his belly and he puts his arms under him and pushes up and kinda rolls/tips over onto his back. That has to be something cool right? Mr. Strong Man.
He has a few nicknames from us..
Bud, buddy, sweet cheeks, stinker (used when he poops up his back, or de-binks himself), love, lover, lover boy, cutie patootie. 
Not sure which ones will stick.

He loves being held, and is a good sleeper. He takes about 3 naps in the day each over 2 hours. Then he sleeps from 11-5AM, I feed him and he falls back to sleep till about 8 AM. Usually when I get him out of his little bed that is next to our bed, I feed him on one side (BREAST MILK) and then he is just out cold. Sound asleep. I try to burp him and he just hangs his little head over so asleep.

Mom, I was just hungry for a minute, now I need to go back to sleep.-Miles at 5 AM.

He has a little bit of baby acne. It comes and goes.
He poops and when he poops it is yellow and up his back. Constantly changing diapers. Constantly scrubbing clothes out. I have this vow to myself that I will not let any of his clothes get stained. That means I scrub stuff till my hands hurt..maybe that's why I have carpal tunnel. Goodness.

He is constantly moving. My goodness he is like a motor. Brad says he is trying to find the gas and clutch with his feet, because it is crazy. Even when I am holding him. He doesn't just veg out. He is active! Except when tired, he will just lay on me till he is asleep.
He stares at Brad and I, and when we put him down he just watches us wherever we go in the room.

He gets grumpo when he is hungry or tired, or just plain spoiled and wants to be held.

How can I not spoil him? He is my sweet little baby.

I was a judger of people who spoiled their kids.

But now I get it.

You love them too much to not spoil them.
Plus how do you spoil a 4 week old? He's brand new, and doesn't know much about this new world yet. So all he knows is mom's uterus. So mom's breasts are the next best thing. I know that's creepy weirdo, but sometimes he can only sleep if he is nestled on my chest. 
Again and again we are so blessed to have this sweet baby in our lives. We know (Brad knows better than I because of his deep knowledge of embryo development) that it is a complete miracle that I was able to get pregnant, and that I had no problems, and that this doll came into our lives. And we thank God every single night in our prayers.


Erica Tanner said...

Oh he's soooo cute!

MeganandClaudy said...

Carter has that same boppy cover. Not gay--just meant for ridiculously good looking babies! ;)