Thursday, November 26, 2009


Maybe Im five weeks late with this post. Maybe I could pretend it is for Thanksgiving that we went up and got wood. But.. I am actually in California for Thanksgiving. .. As much as I love Brad's family. One will always be overly attached to their own family. One will always be obsessed and attached by genetics to their own family. I wont go into more detail about Thanksgiving. We will save that topic for later. First Thanksgiving away from home. First time I have had Thanksgiving Dinner on a ceramic plate compared to the norm paper plate. Okay, Im boring myself. Back to wood. Hey guys lets go get wood for the fireplace. Alright, lets go. Lets leave the people with the most muscles at home. Like Sally, and lets take scrawny Brittany with love handles. Oh yes, perfect idea. We did bring the brawny kids too, no worries. Landon and Brad, carrying a log don't worry Brad slipped and fell and they both were nearly seriously injured in the roll away dropped log. He always tries to act like he is happy for pictures. Look at me Im so happy while I work. Let me start whistling to prove it to you. Good heck, I carried a few of those, and my trap felt like it was dissolving under the weight. It was begging me to drop the log and die. Then disintegrate into the ground. Brad's trap is huge, because obviously I would not lay eyes on a guy unless he had huge traps....right, that was the first thing on my Mormon what I want in a guy list. And trust me, I had that list. Little Laddy loved the work, although his logs were a bit smaller than ours.. Ethan is going to be a real heartbreaker. Or I believe he already is. He was into a forced marriage in front of the school doors when he was in first grade, only way we found out about it was from Chandler who was in Kindergarten at the time. He came home saying, "Ethan got married today!!" It was a great joke for about 10 years. Chandler mentioned to me that he needed a facebook picture. I tried several times, but he was too shy to ever...pose. So instead I was caught with pictures like this one here. Whoa, knock my socks off, is it fall? Cuz the beauty that lies BEHIND Brad gives me the clues that it is. Brad he is stunning. This is going to be the only picture you are going to get of me, due to the gentlemen I was traveling with having no interest in picking up the camera. Brad never brings work clothes, so its always fun rounding some up. Like these nice levi's of Landon's. I always love mountain trips. I get to reevaluate why I love Standrod so much. Solace from the busy streets and college party town. If you didn't know, Provo was votest most sober college in the US. Imagine that. Next was like Notre Dame. That could be a lie, but it was somebody like that. BYU rocks.
Landon forgot to put on the cap of the anti-freeze, makes me really trust him as he looks at Brad's new car and says the leak is fine. When I was taking a picture of this he said, "DONT TAKE A PICTURE OF THIS." He probably didn't want the blog to know his problem. Little secret for you, Brad is sportin the levi's really well there in the shadows of Landon. The trip up there is always relaxing and fulfilling. You can tell its fall from all the grays and deep copper. Gorgeous. What? You don't think so? Visit those mountains and smell the blue spruce and feel the fall chill. I love home. Maybe it will turn into a big city so Brad can become a doctor there? I'll keep dreaming.

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