Friday, September 12, 2008

Break from Peru.

this is me, studying. now dont get confused. . . I was studying at the time...but sometimes the mac camera in the lab distracts me. I knew this would be faster then trying to do a Peru post. Which obviously I have to finish my trip through phases, duh that would be rude of me not to. And just so you know..right now I should be doing my homework.

But in the mean time...
I am taking a lot of classes. I know you wanna know which ones. Here goes:
Nurturing Music Development in Children
Doctrine and Covenants (second half)(by the way, I saw tanner on campus, asked him where he was going..turns out we were going to the same place...same class...and also amanda added its a happy family, not to mention mandas lil baby sophia.)
Language Development in Children
Social and Personality Development (obviously in children)
Early Childhood Curriculum
Foundations of Bilingual Education
And my personal fav: Visual Arts for Elementary Teachers

So 16 credits later...Sometimes I work. Like a lot. Like today 14 hours. Is that even possible. I guess. Some other times I play on my intramural teams. Oh did I say teams? I meant teams. Flag football, volleyball, and basketball teams. Unfortunately when one of my teams (volleyball) decides to have two games a week, I tend to miss one game...due to overload of scheduling or something. Maybe next week I will make all my games.

Not to bore you with my life, but you should see my you shouldn't. You should see my laundry. Its all clean, I just dont have time to put it away. Dont worry I get plenty of sleep and I am really happy. I promise. Seriously I promise. Trust me I am happy. HA! You know when somebody tries to convince you they are happy....they really aren't. But I am.


Kristie said...

Sounds like you are super busy and maybe a little crazy :) so do you want to play city league volleyball again? Cute pic of you!

Raquel said...

Thanks for sharing your schedule. Things like that really make an Auntie feel updated on your life!

Love you
